Monday, October 18, 2010

Breathing space for today.

View of Serra da Leba between Lubango and Namibe provinces

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Namibe Pics

I was in Namibe city over night and took advantage of the morning before I left to walk around and take pics of the cute little port city.  I still need to do research, but I think Namibe was  a large slave port, sending slaves to places like Brazil and Sao Tomé.  It really resembles Inhambane in its architecture though Namibe is much larger than tiny Ibane.

Big rock

Olive trees!  This area in the dessert used to be the only producer of olive oil in Angola.  Supoosedly they still produce some.

Goodies that I never eat cause they are not truly sweet or have meat in them

A cute abandoned van near the railroad

The railroad

close up of paint on a building

A house with a railroad fence

if the Portuguese did something right it was the decorations on the houses.  Some are really nice

Boats in Namibe harbor

Mozambique's Eduardo Mondlane Avenue in Namibe

Lazy dog on a Sunday


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010

There's just is the magic number

I don't know how scientifically accurate his study was, but out outgoing Dean (the new guy was instated last Friday) made a short presentation about ISCED's history since he has been there (9 years).  He also gave some stats on certain aspects of the school and faculty.  This one shows the different nationalities of the faculty members over the years--from the top, Angolan, Armenian, Bulgarian,Brazilian, Cabo Verdean, Congolese, Cuban, then me...the only American ever, according to their records, Portuguese, and Vietnamese.  Pretty neat stuff.  Hope I represent for my American peeps.  :) 

Saturday, October 9, 2010

ELT Cultural Night